quinta-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2009

Together We Can...

My English classes started again and my great teacher Marie showed us a great video about the Barck Obama's election campaign. I haven't seen this video before.. It's great and show us how we need to love and to respect our country, our planet and people...
I always believed in Obama as a President and I always believed in a better world to live even though many people don't do the necessary things to become it true!!!
Because together we can, together we are, together we will be the change...

How awareness are you???

I found out this videos about awareness...kkkk It's really funny!!!

Be aware!!!

I'm Alive!!!

There were many times that I can't be here and now I can't too but I miss you all!!!
I'm so busy these few days because my daughter has just started swimming and taking her classes at "alfabetização" ( I don't know it in English... is it literacy???). I also found a better place to live near here (a bigger and better house) so I was planning to move before the Carnival and just to become my life a little more complicated, NOW it's Carnival here in Brazil... in other words, nothing works in this Country one week before it and one week after it, so imagine...my house is a big mess with many boxes all over everywhere...kkkkk and that's why I'm absent these days...
So, don't forget me!!! I'll be back as soon as possible!!!
Lots of Love...